Each of us has our own vision of health.

I help you personalize that vision

Together we partner to create new and sustainable habits in a way that is custom for you.

We focus on your movement, fuel, sleep & stress management to find the best version of you.


Move in a way that makes you feel great

Find the right fuel

Improve productivity

Decrease decision-making fatigue

Increase time for the things that matter most

Improve sleep habits

Decrease stress

My approach

I am a licensed Clinical Social Worker with certificates in nutrition and behavior change.  

After a consultation, we typically work together 1-2 times a week for 50 minutes, via zoom.  You choose which area to start with (fuel, sleep, stress, or movement) and we work together to renovate that area.

You know, that feeling when your day is going as you feel it should.  Our work involves creating more of those days.

Some of the things I believe:

Movement is always helpful

Eating a small treat can taste as a good as a big treat

Warm food in winter is comforting

Taking a longer than usual shower is a great self care activity

Connecting with a friend over the phone or in person is necessary in this day and age of text-0-mania

Making small choices can have lasting and meaningful impact

The fewer decisions you have to make throughout the day, the better

Getting enough sleep is always a good thing


Schedule a consult

Use the scheduling tool or email us at newwithnicole.com

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